‎2021-09-01 6:54 AM
Hi everyone i have stm32f030c8t6 mcu with out evaluate borad, when i set the clock on 8 Mhz it's work correctly, but when i set the clock on 16,32Mhz with pll or even with HSE it doesn't work, i check in keil debug and it writes cannot access memory, what is problem ?? :(​
‎2021-09-01 7:13 AM
Hard to guess
Flash wait states
Incorrect clocking and PLL settings
Wrong HSE_VALUE definitions
Powering issues
Review carefully the code enabling the clocks and PLLs, registers, etc.
Perhaps output the internal clocks via PA8/MCO pin, BEFORE switching the processor to using the clock. Check speed/stability.
Check quality of HSE clock source via PA8/MCO
‎2021-09-01 7:37 AM
Tnx Deloren
can it occur for wrong power supply? Because i was thinking that f030 power supply is as same as f103 so for some times I didn’t connect vdda,vssa pins to power (refer to um it’s for pll power) and i program and run mcu,
and what is correct power supply circuit for f030 mcus?
‎2021-09-01 8:03 AM
Like the F1, the F0 has the PLL and reset circuitry connected to the analogue supplies, it's not just for ADC or DAC. It's supposed to be provided.
You should also pull BOOT0 Low to ensure the correct code is started if supplies ramp slowly.