2014-05-16 4:38 AM
i want to implement the newest version of your SelfTest Lib into our code. But we want to use our current toolchain, a GNU C compiler based cross compiler toolchain GNU-ARM-Eclipse. Is there a documented way to migrate the sources to GCC compatible? Because there are only ifdefs for __CC_ARM ( Keil ) and for __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ (IAR) compilers. I think the syntax inside __CC_ARM is very close to GNU C syntax because of the use of the __attribute__((section(''XXX''))) mechanism instead use of the ''at'' mechanism (@ ''XXX'') to define a variable into a specific section of RAM. Might it be enough just to replace __CC_ARM to __GNUC__ ? Regards Bernhard2014-05-27 3:45 AM
Hello Bernhar,
Please find here attached a veryuseful document that canhelp you to migrate from IAR to TrueSTUDIO(Which is GNU compiler based). I hope this helps. Best Regards, Nouha ________________ Attachments : IAR_2_Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_MigrationGuide_ARM.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzTE&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bMG%2FMS5yXLOYHit2wHPrn9oPYJYvRkyiOZaF2yE3aM7Ubtg&asPdf=false