2018-03-06 11:10 PM
Hi .
I have a LCD display with st7735 and wanted to use library included within STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.8.0 package.
Unfortunately the lib seems to be written only for specific boards and while compiling the code I get errors:
st7735.c:241: undefined reference to `LCD_IO_WriteReg'
/st7735.c:323: undefined reference to `LCD_IO_WriteMultipleData'
Is there a way to run it or a lib that would suit to STM32Cube HAL?
2018-03-07 1:21 AM
,Do you have already suitable driver for ST7735? If not, you find them under STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.9.0\Drivers\BSP\Components\st77
This component is used in the demonstration provided for
STM32F303ZE-Nucleo, which is available under
STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.9.0\Projects\STM32F303ZE-Nucleo\Demonstrations\Adafruit_LCD_1_8_SD_Joystick\Src\main.c.You need to refer to this example and adapt for your need.
May I know with which hw will you be using this LCD display?
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2018-03-21 8:20 AM
Hi Amel,
Thanks for your reply.
I am using lib from: ...STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.8.0\Projects\STM32F303RE-Nucleo\Demonstrations\Adafruit_LCD_1_8_SD_Joystick.
However as I wrote is seems to be written for a nucleo board specyfic and throws the following errors:
st7735.c:241: undefined reference to `LCD_IO_WriteReg'
/st7735.c:323: undefined reference to `LCD_IO_WriteMultipleData'
which I am not quite able to get over.
I am using Arduino TFT: