2017-11-07 12:24 AM
Hello every body we are using stm32f103xx microcontrollers , we want to send our data by wireless using spirit1 module ,
- is it possible ?
-which library is suitable ?
-what about distance amd range of gigahertz modules ?
urgent help needed plz thanks
Samah Tarhan
Solved! Go to Solution.
2017-11-14 6:44 AM
thanks to all of you ok now i see better , we need to make it in two steps first send the firmware to the sp1ml via st link2 then use the uart in application mode like wireless uart ,,, i was really lost , im beginner ,, didnt know that urgent had a haker meaning , just my request was really huamnly urgent )) ..the support team of st helped me to see clearer .. thanks
2017-11-14 8:03 AM
doumandjisamah wrote:
Is that this '
2017-11-15 6:19 AM
ok now i got the firmware and download the binary to the sp1ml using st-link , looks it is downloaded , now i want to test the AT COMMAND mode using the hyperterminal , first let me tell you the hardware connections pins :
-SHDN connected to 3,3v , always power up
-mode0 to 0, it is command mode
-vdd 3,3v
-gnd to gnd
-rx of spirit to tx of hyperterminal
-tx of spirit to rx of hyperterminal
-reset to button 3,3v to 0volts
i use baudrate 9600 and CR after sending :
, i opened hyperterminal after reset i got '?', so i entererd to command mode '+++' no answer , i tried AT nthg comes from spirit,??? is there something i missed
2017-11-15 6:58 AM
YES Ä°T Ä°S we are in Istanbul,
2017-11-16 3:27 AM
Ä° SOLVE it it was a wrong adapter from hyperterminal to ttl , before i used adm now i use usb dongle ch340g or arduino adapter . now i communicate perfectly with my spirit 1 ,thanks