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Sequence of 4 measurements using ADC1

Associate II

I was unable to configure ADC1 to measure a "4 channel sequence" and then generate an interrupt.

I am using the injected result registers to read the values in the ISR.

Adc_Value[0]= ADC1->JDR1;

Adc_Value[1]= ADC1->JDR2;

Adc_Value[2]= ADC1->JDR3;

Adc_Value[3]= ADC1->JDR4;

All values show zero!

 Can anyone provide an example code for reading injected results + interrupt?

Alternatively the DMA may be used, but when I try to use regular/non injected results via DMA, I am not able to generate an interrupt anymore!

 The sequence is triggered by TIM1 at every 15.8 uS.

ST Employee

Hello @bolurian

Please check AN3116, paragraph "injected conversion mode", also check the related firmware example " Indep_InjectedGroup"   

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Hi Sarra,

Could you please point me to "Indep_InjectedGroup" firmware example?

Where do I find it?



ofc, here is the link to the software 

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Associate II

This code is using APIs/Functions that are not compatible with my project/code.

Any code example that is compatible with the recent Cube MX/Cube IDE code?



Chief III

Just you want results every 15,8 us, so about 300000 data per second - right?

What you want to do with this amount of data?

If you just do anything with the data, your CPU would have no time to do anything else.

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Associate II

253164 results to be exact.

We do not really have to use all 4 measurement each 15.8 uS.
But let's address that later. The ADC should be able to do this.

Let's even think that the sample rate is slower.


Ok, should be possible;  on what G4 ?

+ can you attach your x.ioc ? (maybe as zip, if forum still not "allowed" ioc )

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Associate II

Yes, STM32G474

setup adc1 :


then try to start it:



  HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(&hadc1);			// adc1 kalib.
  HAL_Delay(2);						// wait a little
  HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart_IT(&hadc1);			// start adc for int mode
  HAL_TIM_Base_Start(&htim1);				// Trigger ADCs
  /* USER CODE END 2 */


-> then set breakpoint in adc int , check results in debug mode...

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