2020-12-21 9:02 PM
I am using SD card with SDIO interface in 1 bit mode.
Previously it was working properly. But after adding custom keyboard on multiple screens SD card suddenly stopped working (Getting FR_NO_FILESYSTEM error while debugging).
When I removed custom keyboard from some screens then it again stated working properly.
But I want to use custom keyboard on all screens (there are total 15 screens)
I have increased heap and stack to 0x4000. Testing this on STM32F746G-DISCO Board.
2020-12-21 9:21 PM
Hello Rohit.1,
I'm not an expert on SD card implementation so my feedback will not focus on that part.
I'm actually wondering why adding a keyboard widget on multiple screens would impact the behavior of the SD card.
Are the keyboard widget and the SD card related in your application to a certain extent ? If yes, how ?
Could you also perform tests to narrow the possibilities and try to have something consistent. For instance, understanding from how many added keyboards the app starts crashing ? Is it the same if you put them in the same screen ?
Try to find some consistency in the issue.
2020-12-21 10:17 PM
Thanks for the quick reply.
Currently SD card and custom keyboard are not related at all.
I am just creating new file, writing test data and reading it at the beginning of default task.
If I add keyboard on more than two screens then SD card stops working. And if I remove keyboard from any one of these three screens then again it starts working. This is really strange.
I have tried same thing with different screens (Added keyboard on different three screens). But the result is same.
2020-12-23 3:34 AM
2020-12-23 8:47 PM
Can anyone please look into this code
2020-12-23 11:31 PM
Sorry got other priorities, and getting no assistance and support.
If using DMA make sure buffering remains within the 64KB of DTCM RAM, otherwise you'll have to more aggressively manage cache coherency and alignment.
2020-12-24 10:51 PM
@Community member
Can you please tell me how can I check this. I am using STM32CubeIDE.
Have you checked my attached code.
2020-12-30 2:03 AM
@Community member
Waiting for the reply. I got stuck here. SD card is very important element in out product.
Please check my test code.
2020-12-30 7:39 AM
Sorry I don't work for any of the parties involved here and I'm not a CubeIDE/MX guy
2021-01-17 6:50 AM
I am using DMA and .bss part in the RAM is above 64KB. Code is already optimized and now there is no chance to further reduce the uses below 64KB.
Is there any way to solve this problem.