2025-01-06 1:15 PM
While working with RTC smooth calibration on a STM32G070 part, I noticed two strange things:
1st strange thing: When RTC_OUT pin is only driven with the battery backup (no main power) I got 512.18 Hz; however, when the main power is restablished, the frequency drops to 508.38 Hz. I can see these frequencies in both, an oscilloscope and a frequency meter.
2nd strange thing: With the main power restablished, if I attached a multimeter (as a second frequency meter) the RTC_OUT frequency returns back to 512.18 Hz. Then I made an experiment: instead the multimeter, I used a 10KOhm resistor between RTC_OUT and GND and I got the 512.18 Hz again.
Is that possible that RTC_OUT is somehow affecting the crystal circuitry? PC13 has been set as RTC_OUT pin.
Any hints? Am I overlooking sth?
2025-01-06 9:52 PM
Tell us more about yor hardware. Show layout of LSE oscillator, including ground arrangement.
Also, check the errata.
2025-01-07 10:46 PM
In this MCU pin 1 is RTC_OUT1. Originally I didn't consider the RTC_OUT pin, so that there's not connection over it; however, I'm getting it through a wire. It must not affect the output frequency because it's supposed that the crystal circuitry is isolated from the pin.
Board is two layers with a massive ground planes in both of them as can be seen.
Thank you for led me towards the errata sheet, I found two possible sources for the misbehavior, but I haven't tried the workaround (it's only one; the second possible source of error has no solution):
2.2.1 Unstable LSI when it clocks RTC or CSS on LSE
The LSI clock can become unstable (duty cycle different from 50 %) and its maximum frequency can become
significantly higher than 32 kHz, when:
• LSI clocks the RTC, or it clocks the clock security system (CSS) on LSE (which holds when the
LSECSSON bit set), and
• the VDD power domain is reset while the backup domain is not reset, which happens:
– upon exiting Shutdown mode
– if VBAT is separate from VDD and VDD goes off then on
– if VBAT is tied to VDD (internally in the package for products not featuring the VBAT pin, or externally)
and a short (< 1 ms) VDD drop under VDD(min) occurs
Apply one of the following measures:
• Clock the RTC with LSE or HSE/32, without using the CSS on LSE
• If LSI clocks the RTC or when the LSECSSON bit is set, reset the backup domain upon each VDD power
up (when the PWRRSTF flag is set). If VBAT is separate from VDD, also restore the RTC configuration,
backup registers and anti-tampering configuration.
2.2.7 PC13 signal transitions disturb LSE
The PC13 port toggling disturbs the LSE clock.
I can't use the RTC_OUT2 alternate pin because it's used for a critical part of my system and besides that, the PCB must be redesign (it's going to be easier to add a pull-down resistor on pin 1 instead of altering the whole design).
I'll keep you post ASAP I try the workaround. Greetings!
2025-01-08 12:05 AM
The LSI errata is probably not pertinent to this problem.
Don't use the common ground plane to return from the capacitors around the crystal; use a dedicated track as short as possible. Read AN2867, pay attention to the provided layout example.
Due to the PC13-related erratum, there may be no solution to given problem, as long as you stick to that pin.