2020-04-19 5:25 AM
I am using nucleo-476Rg board.
I have configured RTC AlarmA ad AlarmB for different timings, then I go in standby mode.
The board wakes up from standby on any of the alarm occurrence.
Can I know whether it is due to alarm A or alarm B.
when it wakes ups from standby, it is as good as start from reset. so all flags reset to default. so cannot check ALRAF or ALRBF.
2020-04-19 7:39 AM
ALRAF/ALRBF are not affected by System reset, so unless you perform a Backup domain reset, they should remain set reflecting which alarm was invoked.
2020-04-20 4:33 AM
The problem is as below.
I configure Alarm A.
HAL_RTC_AlarmAEventCallback functions is called upon occurrence of Alarm.
Now when I configure AlarmA and then enter standby mode, the board wakes up from the standby mode upon the occurrence of alarm but does not call the AlarmAEventCallback function. which means the RTC interrup handler is not called upon after the wakeup from standby mode.
without standby mode, AlarmAEventCallback is called upon each time.
with standby mode, the board wakes up every time on Alarm but does not call AlarmAEventCallback.
Could any help on the above problem.
Best Regards,