2016-09-23 06:16 AM
To whom it may concern,
RM0410 (DocID028270 Rev 2) for the STM32F76x tells on page 1484 in Table 258 about ''26 filter banks shared between CAN1 and CAN2'', while there are 28 registers and 28 banks in other devices. Probably the ''26'' is a typo. #stm32f762016-11-10 02:22 AM
Hi bonnes.uwe,
Yes we confirm that this is an issue in the RM0410. We need to update total filter number for CAN1 and CAN2 (26 to 28). And the possible value for Bits 13:8 CANSB[5:0]: are 0..27Thanks for the feedback.-Hannibal-