2024-05-12 10:22 PM
Hello. I built a project with STM32F407 DISCO board, I record audio and store it in USB OTG for later playbacks...
Anyways, I've been using the onboard MEMS mic as well as the 3.5 audio jack. But I want to replace those for an electret mic and a tiny small speaker connectes through GPIO.
Reason why is I want to use the mic with a long cord/cable. And since it is an onboard mic, ai can't.
It has been a nightmare trying to do this on the last days. It seems easy task for someone who knows the way.
2024-05-13 5:03 PM
Not sure what you consider a "long cable", I like digital microphones and I would try the microphone at it's lowest clock frequency (eg. 500KHz ) and maybe add some surface mounts ferrite beads to reduce noise.
But if you want to go to an electret mic, consider buying one of those little boards that have a microphone+amplifier all in one eg. the MAX4466 ( https://www.adafruit.com/product/1063 ) - that way the signal is buffered and will hopefully be less noisy. You could also buy small digital microphone breakout boards to try with your cable.