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Problem with IWDG and WWDG timeout


Hello ST Community and Support Team,


I try to play with Independant Watchdog and Window Watchdog on a Nucleo U575ZI eval board.

I was able to configure counters, window and even EWI interrupt perfectly thanks to STM32 HAL library watchdog related functions and see a reset when timeout is too low and no reset when the refeeding is done on time.

==> I have now problems setting the correct value to have the expected timeout of around 2 seconds I want.


1) On WWDG, the prescaler schematic is pretty clear and with ST example code with counter = 0x7F and prescaler 64, we expect to have around  209,71ms of timeout with the following formulas :

WWDG Counter Clock = PCLK1 / (4096 * Prescaler) 

WWDG Counter Time (ms) = 1000 / WWDG counter clock

WDG Timeout (ms) = Counter settings * Counter Time

So theorically, with PCLK1 = 160MHz, we can reach only around 419ms maximum when using PRESCALER 128 and Counter 0x7f right ?

When doing some experiment on my board with this last settings, I have only decreased of around 8 counter ticks (so not generating a reset as we reach 0x77) in 500ms in Debug mode, can you explain how ? My project was generated with CubeMX so PCLK was set to 160MHz...


2) On IWDG, all work correctly and seems to be good to reach the 2 seconds target, it is just the using the following formula I cannot get the exact same result as what is shown in ST example test (Counter = 1561 (in decimal), PRESCALER 16, by calculus : 780 ms whereas ST example claims for 736ms....)

IWDG Clock= LSI / Prescaler

IWDG Counter Time (ms) = 1000 / IWDG clock

IWDG Timeout (ms) = Counter * Counter Time

LSI clock is 24KHz as I not enable the /128 Prescaler before IWDG.

=> Can you point me where I do wrong in my formula ?


Nice regards,