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Problem with external interrupt in PIN B2 stm32h753

Associate II


I am working on a project with STM32H753XI mcu and with external interrupts. The problem is that I cannot take an interrupt to PIN PB2. 


1.The Pin is configured as Rising Edge Interrupt (Also tested as falling edge and rising falling edge).

2. The Interrupts in EXTI Line 2 are enabled with high priority. (I have tested to PI2 and I can take the interrupt).

3. The clock to port B is enabled. 

4. I can read The Pin changes of the status (High-Low) from mcu. (I have tested this with the GPIO debbuging tool from keil and I see the changes and also with Polling the Pin). 

The problem is that the mcu do not enter the callback function. I have tested with other pins and the mcu enters the callback function and all the system working as expected. Any Ideas?

Thanks In Advance, 

ST Employee

Dear @SEfte.1 ,

can you share your code or any reduced SW able to reproduce it using PB2 for our community sanity check and help . It is a strange description / behavior .

