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problem receiving multiple data with ethernet

Associate III


I'm using an STM32 F4 board as a TCP Server and the hercule application on my PC as a TCP Client.

I follow the online tutorial proposed by controllersTech for the configuration.

This is what my program does: If I send the message "1" to the server then he replays me back some message. And if I send message other than "1" then he replays me back some other message.

The connexion work well and I can interact with the server for 9 interactions, after that, I can no longer interacting with the server.

Here are my code:



#include "tcpserverRAW.h"

#include "lwip/tcp.h"
#include <string.h>

/*  protocol states */
enum tcp_server_states
  ES_NONE = 0,

struct tcp_server_struct
  u8_t state;             /* current connection state */
  u8_t retries;
  struct tcp_pcb *pcb;    /* pointer on the current tcp_pcb */
  struct pbuf *p;         /* pointer on the received/to be transmitted pbuf */

#define SIZE_BUFFER 50
char buf_rx[SIZE_BUFFER];
char buf_tx[SIZE_BUFFER + 20];

extern TIM_HandleTypeDef htim2;
int button_state = 0;
struct tcp_pcb *tpcb_loop;
struct tcp_server_struct *es_loop;

static err_t tcp_server_accept(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *newpcb, err_t err);
static err_t tcp_server_recv(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err);
static void tcp_server_error(void *arg, err_t err);
static err_t tcp_server_poll(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb);
static err_t tcp_server_sent(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, u16_t len);
static void tcp_server_send(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct tcp_server_struct *es);
static void tcp_server_connection_close(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct tcp_server_struct *es);

static void tcp_server_handle (struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct tcp_server_struct *es);

void tcp_server_init(void)
	/* 1. create new tcp pcb */
	struct tcp_pcb *tpcb;

	tpcb = tcp_new();

	err_t err;

	/* 2. bind _pcb to port 7 ( protocol) */
	ip_addr_t myIPADDR;
	IP_ADDR4(&myIPADDR, 172, 16, 1, 2);
	err = tcp_bind(tpcb, &myIPADDR, 7);

	if (err == ERR_OK)
		/* 3. start tcp listening for _pcb */
		tpcb = tcp_listen(tpcb);

		/* 4. initialize LwIP tcp_accept callback function */
		tcp_accept(tpcb, tcp_server_accept);
		/* deallocate the pcb */
		memp_free(MEMP_TCP_PCB, tpcb);

static err_t tcp_server_accept(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *newpcb, err_t err)
  err_t ret_err;
  struct tcp_server_struct *es;



  /* set priority for the newly accepted tcp connection newpcb */
  tcp_setprio(newpcb, TCP_PRIO_MIN);

  /* allocate structure es to maintain tcp connection information */
  es = (struct tcp_server_struct *)mem_malloc(sizeof(struct tcp_server_struct));
  if (es != NULL)
    es->state = ES_ACCEPTED;
    es->pcb = newpcb;
    es->retries = 0;
    es->p = NULL;

    /* pass newly allocated es structure as argument to newpcb */
    tcp_arg(newpcb, es);

    /* initialize lwip tcp_recv callback function for newpcb  */
    tcp_recv(newpcb, tcp_server_recv);

    /* initialize lwip tcp_err callback function for newpcb  */
    tcp_err(newpcb, tcp_server_error);

    /* initialize lwip tcp_poll callback function for newpcb */
    tcp_poll(newpcb, tcp_server_poll, 0);

    tpcb_loop = newpcb;
	es_loop = es;


    ret_err = ERR_OK;
    /*  close tcp connection */
    tcp_server_connection_close(newpcb, es);
    /* return memory error */
    ret_err = ERR_MEM;
  return ret_err;

static err_t tcp_server_recv(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err)
  struct tcp_server_struct *es;
  err_t ret_err;

  LWIP_ASSERT("arg != NULL",arg != NULL);

  es = (struct tcp_server_struct *)arg;

  /* if we receive an empty tcp frame from client => close connection */
  if (p == NULL)
    /* remote host closed connection */
    es->state = ES_CLOSING;
    if(es->p == NULL)
       /* we're done sending, close connection */
       tcp_server_connection_close(tpcb, es);
      /* we're not done yet */
      /* acknowledge received packet */
      tcp_sent(tpcb, tcp_server_sent);

      /* send remaining data*/
      tcp_server_send(tpcb, es);
    ret_err = ERR_OK;
  /* else : a non empty frame was received from client but for some reason err != ERR_OK */
  else if(err != ERR_OK)
    /* free received pbuf*/
    if (p != NULL)
      es->p = NULL;
    ret_err = err;
  else if(es->state == ES_ACCEPTED)
    /* first data chunk in p->payload */
    es->state = ES_RECEIVED;

    /* store reference to incoming pbuf (chain) */
    es->p = p;

    /* initialize LwIP tcp_sent callback function */
    tcp_sent(tpcb, tcp_server_sent);

    /* handle the received data */
    tcp_server_handle(tpcb, es);

    ret_err = ERR_OK;
  else if (es->state == ES_RECEIVED)
    /* more data received from client and previous data has been already sent*/
    if(es->p == NULL)
      es->p = p;

      /* handle the received data */
      tcp_server_handle(tpcb, es);
      struct pbuf *ptr;

      /* chain pbufs to the end of what we recv'ed previously  */
      ptr = es->p;
    ret_err = ERR_OK;
  else if(es->state == ES_CLOSING)
    /* odd case, remote side closing twice, trash data */
    tcp_recved(tpcb, p->tot_len);
    es->p = NULL;
    ret_err = ERR_OK;
    /* unknown es->state, trash data  */
    tcp_recved(tpcb, p->tot_len);
    es->p = NULL;
    ret_err = ERR_OK;
  return ret_err;

  * @brief  This function implements the tcp_err callback function (called
  *         when a fatal tcp_connection error occurs.
  *   arg: pointer on argument parameter
  *   err: not used
  * @retval None
static void tcp_server_error(void *arg, err_t err)
  struct tcp_server_struct *es;


  es = (struct tcp_server_struct *)arg;
  if (es != NULL)
    /*  free es structure */

  * @brief  This function implements the tcp_poll LwIP callback function
  *   arg: pointer on argument passed to callback
  *   tpcb: pointer on the tcp_pcb for the current tcp connection
  * @retval err_t: error code
static err_t tcp_server_poll(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb)
  err_t ret_err;
  struct tcp_server_struct *es;

  es = (struct tcp_server_struct *)arg;
  if (es != NULL)
    if (es->p != NULL)
      tcp_sent(tpcb, tcp_server_sent);
      /* there is a remaining pbuf (chain) , try to send data */
      tcp_server_send(tpcb, es);
      /* no remaining pbuf (chain)  */
      if(es->state == ES_CLOSING)
        /*  close tcp connection */
        tcp_server_connection_close(tpcb, es);
    ret_err = ERR_OK;
    /* nothing to be done */
    ret_err = ERR_ABRT;
  return ret_err;

  * @brief  This function implements the tcp_sent LwIP callback (called when ACK
  *         is received from remote host for sent data)
  *   None
  * @retval None
static err_t tcp_server_sent(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, u16_t len)
  struct tcp_server_struct *es;


  es = (struct tcp_server_struct *)arg;
  es->retries = 0;

  if(es->p != NULL)
    /* still got pbufs to send */
    tcp_sent(tpcb, tcp_server_sent);
    tcp_server_send(tpcb, es);
    /* if no more data to send and client closed connection*/
    if(es->state == ES_CLOSING)
      tcp_server_connection_close(tpcb, es);
  return ERR_OK;

  * @brief  This function is used to send data for tcp connection
  *   tpcb: pointer on the tcp_pcb connection
  *   es: pointer on _state structure
  * @retval None
static void tcp_server_send(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct tcp_server_struct *es)
  struct pbuf *ptr;
  err_t wr_err = ERR_OK;

  while ((wr_err == ERR_OK) &&
         (es->p != NULL) &&
         (es->p->len <= tcp_sndbuf(tpcb)))

    /* get pointer on pbuf from es structure */
    ptr = es->p;

    /* enqueue data for transmission */
    wr_err = tcp_write(tpcb, ptr->payload, ptr->len, 1);

    if (wr_err == ERR_OK)
      u16_t plen;
      u8_t freed;

      plen = ptr->len;

      /* continue with next pbuf in chain (if any) */
      es->p = ptr->next;

      if(es->p != NULL)
        /* increment reference count for es->p */

     /* chop first pbuf from chain */
        /* try hard to free pbuf */
        freed = pbuf_free(ptr);
      while(freed == 0);
     /* we can read more data now */
     tcp_recved(tpcb, plen);
   else if(wr_err == ERR_MEM)
      /* we are low on memory, try later / harder, defer to poll */
     es->p = ptr;
     /* other problem ?? */

static void tcp_server_connection_close(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct tcp_server_struct *es)

  /* remove all callbacks */
  tcp_arg(tpcb, NULL);
  tcp_sent(tpcb, NULL);
  tcp_recv(tpcb, NULL);
  tcp_err(tpcb, NULL);
  tcp_poll(tpcb, NULL, 0);

  /* delete es structure */
  if (es != NULL)

  /* close tcp connection */

/* Handle the incoming TCP Data */

static void tcp_server_handle (struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct tcp_server_struct *es)
	//memset(buf_rx, '\0', SIZE_BUFFER);
	//strncpy(buf_rx, (char *)es->p->payload, es->p->tot_len);
	strncpy(buf_rx, (char *)es->p->payload, sizeof(buf_rx));


	//memset(buf_tx, '\0', SIZE_BUFFER);

	if (buf_rx[0] == '1') {
		snprintf(buf_tx, sizeof(buf_tx), "The buf_rx: %s\n", buf_rx);
		button_state = 1;
		snprintf(buf_tx, sizeof(buf_tx), "AAAAAA\n");
		button_state = 0;

	// allocate pbuf
	es->p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, sizeof(buf_tx), PBUF_POOL);
	if (es->p != NULL) {
		// Copy data to pbuf
		pbuf_take(es->p, (char*)buf_tx, sizeof(buf_tx));
		tcp_server_send(tpcb, es);
	} else {
		// Handle pbuf allocation error
		printf("pbuf_alloc failed\n");



Thank you for your help


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hello @Dreamer3D ,

could you please refer to the implementation of the Projects/STM324x9I_EVAL/Applications/LwIP/LwIP_TCP_Echo_Server which can be found from Gtihub .

as this is the proper way to implement a LWIP server on STM32 also you can refer to  AN3966 UM1713 for more details. 

In order to give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hello @Dreamer3D ,

could you please refer to the implementation of the Projects/STM324x9I_EVAL/Applications/LwIP/LwIP_TCP_Echo_Server which can be found from Gtihub .

as this is the proper way to implement a LWIP server on STM32 also you can refer to  AN3966 UM1713 for more details. 

In order to give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

Hello @Dreamer3D ,

did you try the provided example?

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