2022-05-16 5:05 PM
Hi guys.
I have 2 GPIOs, one is used as a PWM, the other one is used as ADC.
and the peak comes in the falling edge of the PWM singal.and the plus width is only like 2us.
I want to get the value of the peak voltage using ADC.
The problem is, if I use a interrupt like PWM falling edge, then start the adc, it will take more than 2us. so I cannot get the right value.
is there any solutions to this problem?
PS: I am using STM32G4,fast enough I think.
2022-05-16 6:40 PM
Is it possible to use a simple peak detection circuit (using a diode and capacitor)? Perhaps another gpio pin could be used to reset the peak if needed (via a FET).
2022-05-16 10:22 PM
Hi grestm.
I need to use the value of the peak voltage in my algorithm.
i know the exact timing of the peak voltage shows, but cannot manage to messure it due to the siganl frequency is about 500k.
2022-05-17 12:14 AM
That chip has a fast ADC. You should be able to hardware trigger the ADC using the waveform/GPIO edge and DMA the result to a buffer - and use the DMA half-full interrupt to process the buffered data at a more relaxed rate.
2022-05-17 2:08 AM
Simply start ADC in continuous mode with automatic transfer in circular DMA buffer and ~1µs sampling time.
On edge interrupt read sample position in circular DMA buffer and corresponding value at this position.
So you have also some more samples around the edge available.