2021-10-31 2:08 PM
The errata sheet of the STM32L476VG states:
I wonder if the order of the ADC calibration step is important.
I was performing the following steps:
1- Set ADC clock source
2- Enable ADC clock
3- Disable deep power mode (ADC1 and ADC3)
4- Enable ADC voltage regulator (ADC1 and ADC3)
5- Perform ADC Calibration (ADC1 and ADC3)
6- Configure CCR register
7- Enable ADC1 (ADC1->CR)
8- Configure ADC1 CFGR register
9- Configure ADC1 SQR1 and SQR2 registers
10- Configure ADC1 SMPR1 and SMPR2 registers
11- Enable ADC3 (ADC3->CR)
12- Configure ADC3 CFGR register
13- Configure ADC3 SQR1 and SQR2 registers
14- Configure ADC3 SMPR1 and SMPR2 registers
Now, until this step I have not started Regular Conversion. First I call other functions in my application and then I perform the ADC Start Regular conversion step. I'm using DMA also.
Following the above steps, I have some ADC1 accuracy issues. When I change the sequence above and perform ADC calibration after the register configuration and start the conversions right after calibration, it seems like the accuracy improves a little bit.
Any thoughts on this? Thank you.
2021-10-31 2:46 PM
RM0351 section:
Software procedure to calibrate the ADC
1. Ensure DEEPPWD=0, ADVREGEN=1 and that ADC voltage regulator startup time has elapsed.
As per datasheet table 76. the time can be up to 20 us.