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'OCx fast' in One-pulse mode

Posted on August 31, 2017 at 10:58

I'm using STM32F429x. I'm confused by the 'OCx fast' setting when using the 'One-pulse mode' of the timer. In DM00031020 section 17.3.15, it states:

In One-pulse mode, the edge detection on TIx input set the CEN bit which enables the

counter. Then the comparison between the counter and the compare value makes the

output toggle. But several clock cycles are needed for these operations and it limits the

minimum delay tDELAY min we can get.0690X000006086GQAQ.png

''But several clock cycles are needed for these operations...., it limits the minimum delay tDELAY min we can get'', I think it means if we don't enable OCx fast setting, we will get a delay. However, I don't understand where the delay will appear in the figure above?

Anyone can explain the situation more clearly? What we can benefit from enabling �OCx fast'???? 

#ocx-fast #one-pulse #pwm
Posted on August 31, 2017 at 20:54


Here is the OCxFE  flag


here is  explained that the one pulse mode is part of slave functionality


and here is explained that this delay is due to the resync cirquit(slave functionality)


An interpretation could be The minimum delay from trigger to output  is 5 clocks from internal delay  plus one counter period (PreSCaler involved)

So if you want to trigger a pulse ''right now'' in one pulse mode  , you must wait 5clcks +1 counter period.

In this case you can minimize the delay by set the OCfast bit, to 3 clocks only. (and no one counter period )



Posted on September 01, 2017 at 05:52

Thanks for your detailed explanations.

Let me make sure:

  1. When OCxFE = 0: Becuase CCRx must be greater than 0, so the minimum delay is 1 counter period. And plus the 'inherent' delay of STM32, the minimum delay between the trigger and our desired pulse we can achieve is 5 clocks + 1 timer counter period.
  2. When OCxFE = 1: The CCRx value is meaningless now, because the '


    ' is  bypassed now. And the 

    minimum delay between the trigger and our desired pulse we can achieve is 3 clocks.

  3. 'clocks' counted in HCLK? Or APBx_CLK???

Posted on September 01, 2017 at 11:20

I see. Thi is IMO confusion in terminology: One Pulse as feature set by TIMx_CR1.OPM, i.e. automatic CEN clear  upon update (which is independent on OCxM settings); versus 'I want to see one pulse on the output'.


Posted on September 01, 2017 at 09:45

'clocks' counted in HCLK? Or APBx_CLK???

Probably internal timer clocks, i.e. the clock incrementing the prescaler/counter == ABP or 2xAPB depending on how did you set the APB divider.


Posted on September 01, 2017 at 09:47


For the third question , the clock is APB but for timers there is a multiplier which value depends to APB prescaler.

Take a look at clock tree in RM0090.

To use  OnePulseMode and set OCfast , OPM must be allready configured in PWM1 or 2  modes and not in Output Compare mode.

Posted on September 01, 2017 at 10:19

OPM must be allready configured in PWM1 or 2  modes and not in Output Compare mode.

I don't understand. What do you mean, in terms of timer registers?


Posted on September 01, 2017 at 10:57


By write at CCMRx,   OCxM 0b111 for PWM mode 2 or 0b110 for mode 1.

One pulse mode can be setup in PWM or in compare output mode. ( OCxM= 0b001)