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How to test ST25DV NFC FTM mode transaction with MCU integration

Associate III


Hi everyone,

I am currently working on a project involving the ST25DV NFC tag connected to a microcontroller (STM32). My goal is to test the Fast Transfer Mode (FTM) functionality. Here's the workflow I am aiming to achieve:

1. An NFC device (e.g., a smartphone) sends an FTM response/request to the ST25DV tag.

2. The microcontroller receives the FTM request/response from the ST25DV NFC tag and handles it accordingly.

I am looking for guidance on the following:

How can I simulate and verify the full FTM communication flow (NFC device ↔ ST25DV ↔ MCU)?

Are there any specific tools or software recommendations for testing FTM functionality?

Can I use ST25 NFC app to test FTM? Understand there is a app to test FTM demo using ST25 discovery kits. However I just need to test the transaction like send request to MCU thought FTM.
