2017-09-29 7:45 AM
Hi all,
i'm a new nucleo user and I start to play with the F767ZI. I will usethe nucleo for send periodical http get request to a remote server, but till now i have some issues with the tools. I configure cube enabling ethernet (mii) and lwIP library.
I configure on cube static ip and all network parameters, enable ICMP request and then put MX_LWIP_Process() in while loop. However i can't ping the board from pc and wireshark doesn't see anything.
All the examples provided by the repository are made without cube and try to export that examples is hard for me. Anyone could help me? For the first step i'm happy if i can ping the board from the pc.
Thanks in advance
Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2017-10-02 8:46 AM
I think hardware problem. STM32F767-NUCLEO dvk has hardware problem.
I loaded
(firmware for ST) it works and 10 minutes later it doesn't work. ST's engineers have to say what is the problem.
2017-10-05 3:31 AM
Have you solve this issue? Do you know if the new revision of the board has fixed this problem? Thanks
2017-10-08 12:47 PM
maybe it has ethernetif file problem. Because ethernet settings are there.
could you please examine my project?
2017-10-09 2:32 AM
I updated your project (in the attached zip file) to useRMII interface and the correct ETH PHY device,
I hope this will help you
Best regards,
________________ Attachments : lwIP Test.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyO8&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b6v%2FKhoCnxVfh9jazIQeyxVZepfNMhRotgJTYfTfK0iSJvo&asPdf=false2017-10-09 6:25 AM
Thanks for your helping. But this is not my problem. I configured stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h file. Now rj45 leds are blinking ( green and orange) and it works generaly. I think it has only time problem now. Because tcp sending delayed.
If i can fix , i will share codes
2017-10-09 8:41 AM
, could you please share your changes? They will bevery useful for me. Thanks!2017-10-09 9:43 AM
Hi Di Ci
my conf file is here. When i finished project, i will share all project.
________________ Attachments : stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyL5&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b6x%2FBnULFOCpWAeFsbJTJWrvf2ZOP_9IJMbYtT3ZOeh_bY8&asPdf=false2017-10-12 11:34 AM
I currently have a Nucleo-144 767ZI board walking/talking ethernet using the LWIP libraries. I use Crossworks to develop with.
A couple of hints:
1. Set your PHY address to 0.
2. Set up your RAM placement so the Ethernet buffers are at the top. In my Crossworks flash placement file, I do it like the below. If I move the DecriptSection [sic] and arraySections to be below the other sections, the farther I push it, the worse my ethernet performance. These four sections, including the everlasting spelling error, are instantiated in ethernetif.c.
<MemorySegment name='$(RAM_NAME:RAM);SRAM'>
<ProgramSection alignment='0x100' load='No' name='.vectors_ram' start='$(RAM_START:$(SRAM_START:))' /> <ProgramSection alignment='4' load='No' name='.RxDecripSection' />\ <ProgramSection alignment='4' load='No' name='.TxDescripSection' />\ <ProgramSection alignment='4' load='No' name='.RxarraySection' />\ <ProgramSection alignment='4' load='No' name='.TxarraySection' />\ <ProgramSection alignment='4' load='No' name='.fast_run' /> <ProgramSection alignment='4' load='No' name='.data_run' /> <ProgramSection alignment='4' load='No' name='.tdata_run' /> <ProgramSection alignment='4' load='No' name='.bss' /> <ProgramSection alignment='4' load='No' name='.tbss' /> <ProgramSection alignment='4' load='No' name='.non_init' /> <ProgramSection alignment='4' size='__HEAPSIZE__' load='No' name='.heap' /> <ProgramSection alignment='8' size='__STACKSIZE__' load='No' name='.stack' /> <ProgramSection alignment='8' size='__STACKSIZE_PROCESS__' load='No' name='.stack_process' /> </MemorySegment>2017-10-18 3:49 PM
I added hex file.
device ip 1.155
destination ip 1.79
port 80
this file contain user button interupt. when you connet to client you can press user button and you can see text on the hercules or same tcp editor.
if anyone need to project please send email .
________________ Attachments : STM32F767ZI-Nucleo.hex.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyMX&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b6g%2FlRB1iqItmdcPkCj.RkEATsggMiUsk4VWd_lmaWLQ65A&asPdf=false2017-11-01 8:13 AM
I was also having major problems with the raw api working sporadically. Changing the external PHY parameters in the HAL_Conf file as mentioned above seemed to fix my problems. Note that this is with the 'Z' silicon version. Is there some place that has an errata for Cube or the Nucleo boards? I could have saved oodles of time if the answer was easier to find.