2018-04-05 1:47 AM
Hello , i have a really simple basic question , im using stm32f429ZI NUCLEO CART (pc14pc15 X2 cristal low ),
, but i connect two of my keypad pins to PH0 AND PH1 which looked on no conflict on this map
but after making the pcb i see that they dont work
, i checked they looks common pins as 'OSC IN OUT',
how can i close the osc so that i can use them like digital input or output ?? from cube mx or by keil code
thanks for help
2018-04-05 1:54 AM
i forget to tell that i use ETHERNET MODULE (it require 48mz),,
2018-04-05 3:12 AM
These are the Primary Oscillator HSE pins, which can be used if configured properly.
You have to set the pins to your selection in the cube.
then set the clock configuration using the other crystal source to get your 48MHz.
I think there is too much drift for the internal clock oscillators to drive the USB.
2018-04-05 5:43 AM
i think you didnt understand my question, i use LSE cristal and ETHERNET MODULE , so the pins H1 AND H0 LOOKS free , but they dont work as dio how can i make them dio not osc
2018-04-05 5:45 AM
i can select H1 AND H0 in cube but i see that they have second function osc
2018-04-05 5:47 AM
my clock is automaticly like this
2018-04-05 7:10 AM
HCLK should be 180MHz, if you want 100% CPU.
Just change it there, and let the cube try to resolve the rest.