2019-08-10 5:28 AM
I am new to STM32 H7. I designed 1 board using STM32H750VBT6. But when i try to erase internal flash using keil IDE, it is showing 'Flash Timeout: Reset the target and try it again'. I have attached the scrennshot of the error.
2019-08-10 7:13 AM
I'd probably try the STM32H7x_2M flash algorithms.
Consider the type of pod you're using, and if it has most current firmware running on it.
Does the board work with the STM32 Cube Programmer?
>>I am new to STM32 H7. I designed 1 board using STM32H750VBT6
Have you tried a NUCLEO or DISCO board with the H7, or went straight to a PCB?
2019-08-10 7:24 AM
Check supplies, capacitors/voltages on VCAP.
Not familiar with your custom design.
2019-08-10 7:28 AM
i am using U-Link2 debugger for erasing the code. Does STM32 Cube programmer supports ULINK.
2019-08-10 7:31 AM
2019-08-10 9:35 AM
It does not. You'd perhaps want to look at the ST-LINK/V3 pods
Check voltages presenting on VCAP pins. Supplies in general can impact Flash behaviour.
Had any code running on the board?
If flash is not functioning, one could perhaps run test code from internal RAM
2019-08-12 12:21 AM
We have used 12MHz crystal. Can this be a problem??
2019-08-12 2:15 AM
I tried using STM32H7x_2M flash algorithms and it is erasing the chip successfully.
Why is it not working with STM32H7x_128K flash algorithms.
2019-08-12 5:27 AM
I don't know, you'd need to review the source code to understand what it is doing and the expectations it has.
2019-08-12 5:50 AM
Thank you for your support.