2025-02-14 01:27 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm working with an STWINBX1 board and using ST-LINK V3MINI for debugging and serial communication. However, I can't see any output on PuTTY (COM3 @ 115200 baud), even though everything seems correctly configured.
:white_heavy_check_mark: Checked and confirmed USART3 is initialized in main.c
:white_heavy_check_mark: Added debug messages via HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, ...)
:white_heavy_check_mark: Toggled an LED before sending UART data (LED toggles, so the function executes)
:white_heavy_check_mark: Checked in STM32CubeMX that USART3 is mapped to the correct GPIOs
:white_heavy_check_mark: Verified ST-LINK V3MINI appears as COM3 in Device Manager
:white_heavy_check_mark: Tried enabling/disabling "VCP UART" in STM32CubeProgrammer
:white_heavy_check_mark: Tested different baud rates in PuTTY
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
2025-02-14 01:55 AM
@Mahdouch wrote:2. Should I use USART1 instead of USART3, or does ST-LINK only work with specific USARTs?
The ST-Link neither knows nor cares what UART you use - all it does is send data out of its 'send' pin, and all it sees is data arriving at its 'receive' pin. It doesn't even know that you're using an STM32 at all!
Start by doing a basic application which just transmits from the UART - nothing else - to prove basic connectivity.
Some tips on debugging serial comms:
2025-02-14 02:18 AM
Hello @Andrew Neil
Thanks for the links and suggestions! I’m having a look at them now and will explore the resources provided. I’ll keep you updated on my progress.
Best regards,