2024-04-05 3:29 PM
I want to design a baord with stm32h7b0zbt6 with extranal sdram chip W9825G6KH-6. I get PG15 with FMC_SDNCAS alt func in datasheet as below:
But when I looked the PG15 alt func config I get as below info, I could not found an alternate function number for FMC_SDNCAS here ?? why they are not consistent ?
2024-04-05 3:55 PM
Most probably it's a miss in table 14. By analogy with STM32H743 PG15 has FMC_SDNCAS alternate function.
The internal ticket 178406 has been submitted to confirm and fix the issue.
I will keep you informed for any feedback.
2024-04-05 4:20 PM
Tks ,waiting for your reply.
2024-04-08 4:16 AM
Update: issue confirmed.
The internal ticket 178406 has been summitted to fix this issue.
Thank you.
2024-04-08 5:35 AM
What's the tentative solution? Fix the table? Hiding stuff in internal tickets doesn't help visibility for users.
Use AF12 for PG15 and PG14 ??
PG14 has a FMC_Ax assignment, didn't check others.
2024-04-08 6:57 AM - edited 2024-04-08 7:00 AM
The doubt was about PG15 in table 14. Nothing about PG14.
Moreover, CubeMx has already the correct alternate function FMC_SDNCAS on PG15:
The the only stuff to fix is the table 14 in the datasheet: PG15 should have FMC_SDNCAS alternate function on it.
2024-04-08 7:25 AM
Because I didn't use CubeMX, is the AF num is AF12 as FMC_SDNCAS with PG15?
2024-04-08 8:05 AM
Yes it's mapped on PG15/AF12
2024-04-08 9:02 AM
I'm say the in the OP's top post, that both PG14 (FMC_A25) and PG15 (FMC_SDNCAS) fail to show settings in the AF Table. The RM is the controlling document, so it's important it's correct(ed).
2024-04-08 9:08 AM
PG12, PG13, PG14, and PG15 are not correctly documented