2020-12-08 8:25 AM
Also, where do i find the data on PWM enabled pins on the data sheet
2020-12-08 8:29 AM
> Also, where do i find the data on PWM enabled pins on the data sheet
TIMx_CHy pins can be set as PWM outputs.
2020-12-08 8:31 AM
There is a supply side issue currently, for many STM32 parts, delivery will continue to push out, and free stock will be negligible, get your orders in promptly. If you have inventory you're likely to be able to move it in the secondary/spot market.
Pretty much all TIM/CH support PWM output. TIM1/TIM8 typically are the "advanced" timers.
That's a 48-LQFP (7x7 mm) right
2020-12-08 8:37 AM
Yes it is a 7x7 package, we need to order roughly 50 chips for our prototypes and we need them asap. i found the STM32F030C8 and it looks similar in specs. Can you confirm? By the way thank you for the assistance
2020-12-08 11:18 AM
USART3, USART4, USART5, USART6 and TIMER7 are available on STM32F030xC devices only when you use it and cant swap you cant use C8
too Periodic wakeup unit with programmable resolution and period (on STM32F030xC only).
And C8 have PF6 PF7 pins on package , but this isnt trouble for you.
2020-12-08 11:20 AM
The 'F030CC is a "budget version:" of 'F091CC, so the latter is identical in form and function.
Try to strike a deal here, they appear to have a couple of pieces ("166 in stock for immediate dispatch", as of now) https://www.distrelec.biz/en/microcontroller-32bit-256kb-lqfp-st-stm32f091cct6/p/30170698?q=stm32f091c&pos=1&origPos=1&origPageSize=50&track=true . I don't know if they are willing to ship to US, though.