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Most basic setup for SWD to work?


Hello, i need help with na stm32l031k6, I want to just start the processor and read it with an st-link v2, I have connected BOOT0 to GND(i haven't added a 10k resistor, but that shouldn't be the problem ), NRST with pull-up 1k to VDD, VDDA and VDD are connected together. From what I read online I can pass without the external crystal because there is an internal one. So when I connect the VDD to 3v3 on the st-link, the GND to the st-link GND, SWCLK to PA14, SWDIO to PA13 and the chip isn't recognized. I have ruled out an faulty st link because it recognizes a blue pill f103 board. Please tell me if I am forgetting something


Rather than try to describe your circuit in words, please use a schematic - it's far clearer.

You also need some decoupling caps.

See the datasheet and AN4467 for power supply connections.


@LubO_o wrote:

 From what I read online I can pass without the external crystal because there is an internal one

Correct (although, strictly, it's not a crystal - it's an RC oscillator)


@LubO_o wrote:

 when I connect the VDD to 3v3 on the st-link

What ST-Link do you have?

Note that a genuine ST-Link does not provide power to the target

See: How to recognize a genuine ST-LINK/V2 versus a cloned one

In particular: