2022-09-02 4:47 AM
Greetings !
I am working on STM32F769 discovery board . I have built OS using Buildroot . I can able to get U-boot prompt through Default debug console (USART1).
Here I having a requirement of changing default debug console (USART1) to USART6 . I am attaching the contents of the patch below , which includes my modifications in u-boot source (v2020) . But I am not able to get the console over USART6 .
Since I have been stucked in middle of project , requesting you to help me overcome this issue .
Thanks in Advance
2022-09-02 6:04 AM
Running Linux of the STM32F769I-DISCO seems a bit of a reach.
Make sure the GPIOC and USART6 clocks are enabled.
That the AF selections for PC6/PC7 are correct.
Perhaps look for consultants/contractors with MCU Linux (ucLinux) experience and competency.
2022-09-04 10:11 PM
@Community member Thanks for your feedback .
If you can share us the procedure/syntax how we can enable GPIOC and USART6 in U-boot source will be really helpful !