2021-03-03 8:18 AM
Hello Community,
I am programming the STM32L562E-DK discovery board and working with the Standby low-power mode. In the data sheet there are 3 standby variations explained:
I cannot reach the variations, where part of the SRAM2 or all SRAM2 data retention should be disabled.
Always after I wake up the processor from the standby mode the data in SRAM2 is still there. SRAM1 is lost (which is correct).
I have tried everything to activate the Standby mode without any data retention, but it doesnt work.
To put the processor in standby mode I use the following code:
if (__HAL_PWR_GET_FLAG(PWR_FLAG_WUF2) != RESET)/* Check and Clear the Wakeup flag */
I checked every important register, especially the PWR->CR3->RRS bits which determine SRAM2 data retention.
My code is pretty much based on the official standby mode example at https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeL5/blob/master/Projects/STM32L562E-DK/Examples/PWR/PWR_STANDBY/Src/main.c .
I don't know if I am missing an instruction or if there exists a hardware bug which leads to the disability to disable SRAM2.
If anyone can help I would very much appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
2021-03-03 8:38 AM
Please check L5x2 errata stheet :
There is one item talking about SRAM2 and standby, but I didn't check if it matches your case.
2021-03-04 12:45 AM
Thank you for your answere Mike.
I have checked the errata sheet but sadly this is not the case.
It says :
Since I am directly transitioning from run mode to standby "with" modes, I don think this errata is valid for my case.
I am still looking for a solution.
2023-07-15 12:36 AM
I have seen this too. Ie, SRAM2 data being retained when the RRS bits are clear. i read them back to check. What bought me here is the converse, and for me, a very serious problem. The RRS bits are set for 4 k SRAM2 retention, and after a period of weeks or months, the product is acting as though SRAM2 data retention through standby has failed, SRAM2 being filled with pseudo random garbage on wake from standby.