2022-03-01 8:15 AM
Using a RTC example from the IDE, the STM32L562 discovery board gets to partly erasing the flash, before it stops
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 6.0.0
Copyright (c) 2021, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode : Disabled
Logging Level : 1
Listen Port Number : 61234
Status Refresh Delay : 15s
Verbose Mode : Disabled
SWD Debug : Enabled
InitWhile : Enabled
Waiting for debugger connection...
Debugger connected
Waiting for debugger connection...
Debugger connected
Waiting for debugger connection...
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.9.0-RC01
ST-LINK SN : 0030003C3137511733333639
Board : STM32L562E-DK
Voltage : 3.27V
SWD freq : 24000 KHz
Connect mode: Under Reset
Reset mode : Hardware reset
Device ID : 0x472
Revision ID : Rev Z
Device name : STM32L5xx
Flash size : 512 KBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU : Cortex-M33
BL Version : --
Memory Programming ...
Opening and parsing file: ST-LINK_GDB_server_a13612.srec
File : ST-LINK_GDB_server_a13612.srec
Size : 16712 Bytes
Address : 0x08000000
Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
Erasing internal memory sectors [0 8]
Download in Progress:
Error: Fail to write buffer in flash
Error: failed to erase memory
Error: failed to download Segment[0]
Error: failed to download the File
Shutting down...
BUT, if i take the example code .hex for the discovery board and use the STCube Programmer, I can get the board back to life as the previous operation had erase some flash.
So the Programmer is able to read/write code to the discovery board, but the IDE can't get debug code to run.
Any thoughts?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-03-01 1:13 PM
Debug SW speed was set to auto from the start, so started off at the minimum speed of 140kHz and it now works fine, code loads, and can now run and single step the code
2022-03-01 9:34 AM
SWD freq : 24000 KHz
2022-03-01 1:13 PM
Debug SW speed was set to auto from the start, so started off at the minimum speed of 140kHz and it now works fine, code loads, and can now run and single step the code