2012-06-04 01:55 AM
i'm new in the arm world, and i have bought a smt32f4 (maybe not so good for a kickstart, but i'll survive). i'm compiling the gcc arm eabi toolchain, but i've also seen the Yargarto, is quite used here. For my final project i need hard float, UART or USART, usb (for debug and data log), i2c, more in future SPI. Will any of the 2 above toolchain support some library to speed up my development, or will i have to write everything from register? #toolchain-linux2012-06-04 02:50 AM
The summon arm toolchain there supports the stm32f4:
If I remember correctly, it sets up a preconfigured StdPeripheral_Library project template, that was copied over from the Atollic Lite toolchain, including the linker script and startup code. I did some experimentation with it, and successfully compiled and ran both softfp and hardfp code. As expected for a cmd line toolchain, you have to adapt the makefile yourself. But mostly I use Crossworks, so I didn't get really deep into...2012-06-04 03:18 AM
Thanks very much,
helpful link, it solve some problem building openODC separately (i've got some different error, anyway, but this should do the trick)! Also a very good explanation of what come AFTER i will have a working toolchain.2012-06-05 12:45 AM
int the end i'm using http://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/arm-elf-gcc-base/;
i've GCC 4.7 and autoconf 2.69 who seems to be too much mainstream for the others toolchain, config and compilation give too much error. Autoconf still give me some problem with st-link, but there is already an open issue.