2018-04-19 1:07 PM
I'm using TrueStudio, but this should relate to any of the IDEs that are Eclipse based.
There are two types of searches available. The Search menu on the main drop down menu, and the context menu that pops up when you right click on a word in a source file. In the drop down menu you can limit searches to source code files using *.c, *.h in the search window. When you use the right click and select 'Search Text > Project' you have no such option.
I could swear that when I first started using this IDE and did a search from a right click, that it only searched source code files. But now it is searching them plus .map files, .list files, and sometimes .su files.
Is there any way to change that behavior and limit it to just source code files?
2018-04-22 10:32 AM
Can anybody else who is using an Eclipse based IDE please let me know if, when you use the right click context menu 'Search Text', if you are NOT getting results that include non source code files like .map, .list, .su, etc....
If anybody out there is getting results that do not include those added file types, then there must be a setting somewhere that effects this issue.
Like I said, I'm pretty sure that I was not getting those file types in the context menu searches initially. But something changed and now I am.
2018-07-14 2:35 PM
I never got any replies to this, and it still bothers me. Can I convince a few people to try something?
If you have an Eclipse based IDE, can you please open a .c file, highlight a word in it, and then right click on it and select 'Search Text > Project'.
Do you get results from .lst files, .su files, .map files, etc... in addition to .c and .h files? Or only .c and .h files? (assuming that you have previously built the project)