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Is there an updated eeprom emulation example for STM32F10x and CubeMX generated projects using HAL?

Associate III

I've gone through AN2594 and the associated examples. They're all for the standard peripheral library which is now deprecated.

Someone has an example of a port on github that looks reasonably complete

and at this stage it looks like I will be using that


I'm wondering it ST have (or are planning to have) an official update?


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I thought they did, or had Cube auto-generate the boiler plate code.​

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I thought they did, or had Cube auto-generate the boiler plate code.​

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Thanks. Your suggestion regarding Cube generating the code sent me looking there.

I found that they ship examples in the CubeMX firmwares i.e. STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.8.3

For the F4 firmware (STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.2 ) the examples are selectable in the CubeMX example selector but not for the F1 examples.
