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I'm using both ADC's in continuous / interrupt mode on some micro's in the STM32F103 family and it's working properly and fills my needs nicely.The core components which are commonly presented in the online tutorials are...Calibration:HAL_ADCEx_Calib...
I've gone through AN2594 and the associated examples. They're all for the standard peripheral library which is now deprecated.Someone has an example of a port on github that looks reasonably complete
Full disclosure. I'm new to STM32 and i'm porting from Arduino based 8 bit code to run on an STM32F103R8T6. This is on a manufactured / assembled PCB with supposedly genuine micro and not a random ebay blue pill board.While debugging I'm getting rand...
I'm just starting to play with the STM32 chips and like the Cube environment for it's ability to configure the chips functionality.I want to be able to write my own class libraries for obvious reasons. Reusable Code is the name of the game.What is th...
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