2022-09-09 12:10 AM
2022-09-09 12:43 AM
what do you want to accomplish with NVIC_SystemReset ?
what do you mean with unreset GPIO?
2022-09-09 5:08 AM
I want to reset system but only software. I dont want to reset hardware. For instance B9 pin must be set always. But when ı use NVIV_SystemReset function, B9 pin goes low 200 ms even if ı set it in MX_GPIO_Init() function.
2022-09-09 5:09 AM
I research and find out NVIC_CoreReset function but ı guess M0 cortex does not support this property.
2022-09-09 5:10 AM
I am using stm32l071cbt6
2022-09-09 5:43 AM
I think, the only solution is use external latch registers, for GPIO pins, which must stay at the same state, while MCU is reseting.
2022-09-09 6:43 AM
Don't most of the pins just tri-state? In which case a pull-up to the desired state would at least hold over.
The question is why is a reset desirable over some other more controlled means of transferring execution?