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Integrating Microchip's AETCC608B to STM32H7 series MCU

Associate II

Hello Team,

I'm trying to add authentication to my existing Hardware having STM32H7 series MCU.

I'm using Microchip's AETCC608B Secure element as the Hardware authentication IC.

Microchip has provided a Library for FIrmware integration in the GitHub repository.

The above is the link to the repository.

Does anyone know how to import it to the STM project and make it work?

Does anybody have any reference to making this work?

Do comment/reply if any information is available, that is helpful.

Thank you in advance.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

It looks that the bare-metal examples there are for PIC or other Microchip own MCUs.

This needs adaptation to STM32H7, using the ST "HAL" libraries or whatever you prefer.

Implement the low level I2C interface.

There are examples of CMake build environment for STM32, use that, or port the project to CubeIDE if you prefer.

Here you can find helping hands for the task.

Associate II

Sure, but I couldn't find these HAL functions called in any of the device operation functions.

Does anybody know the folder of this library in which the functions are defined?

and what I want to do is to use the IC to perform the SHA256 algorithm with an Input and with a key stored in the EEPROM of that IC.

>  I couldn't find these HAL functions called in any of the device operation functions.

Do you mean the I2C functions? See here for the STM32H7 HAL I2C.

There are some examples in the ST library package.

> what I want to do is to use the IC to perform the SHA256 algorithm

I don't know this device, but a decent contractor will figure out how to use it, if documentation and examples are available.

Associate II

@Pavel A.​ 

  1. I could not find the I2c read and I2c write functions called in this driver. That is what I meant.

Expect that you're going to need to learn / understand the ST HAL I2C functionality, and then map those into the methods used by Microchip.

Perhaps get the read / write functionality working first with a simple / example project, and then merge in the Microchip files, and how you need to adapt things to fit.

Get some static analysis tools, and perhaps some merge tools, to better understand the code level interactions.

Work with other members of your team as appropriate.

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There's perhaps Arduino, or other examples, that might provide secondary perspectives.

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Chief II

You cannot find the implementations of those functions because there are no such for STM32. You have to implement those! There are examples for other MCUs:


Hello, did you have any solution to this?

I am currently integrating this microchip library with an STM32F4