2016-06-29 1:40 PM
I am building a board using this MCU and I'm wondering where I can get some information on the USB schematics. Reading the data sheet somewhat helped, but didn't exactly answer my question.
I would like the ability to power the board from USB, make programming / MCU changes from USB, and potentially use it as a peripheral device depending on whats plugged in.Does anyone have any insight on what that schematic would look like? Any help would be greatly appreciated. #smt32f405-usb2016-06-29 3:40 PM
Try looking to this reference and manual .Regards2016-06-30 3:20 AM
You can refer to this manual for STM32 Nucleo, it may be helpful.Regards2016-07-01 12:02 PM
Thank you. With my minimal understanding of this mcu's power supply requirements, can someone take a look at the 2 schematics I put down to see if it will give me what I need?
Essentially, the ability to run power through USB (Either through a 5v wall charger, or PC) or a AA battery pack (I think I need 4 AA batteries?)So power is coming through from USB on vbus on the connector, then going to PB13 (34)Which also connects to the voltage regulators, there is a 5v and a 3.3v regulator with both vbus and the battery pack before the IN on the 5.0V regulator.I'm not sure if I have this correct. The AA batteries are not rechargeable so I need reverse current protection as well.Any help would be greatly appreciated.2016-07-03 3:36 PM
Wondering if anyone has any insight into my question.
2016-07-07 11:24 AM
I think the schematic is correct, but I want to make sure before I connect this to a dev board and fry the MCU..
2016-07-07 11:37 AM
You look to have a bunch of stuff cross-connected on the VBUS net, check the netlist.
I'd probably use diodes when getting 5V from multiple sources. You have a miss-named net USB2_DP_VR that doesn't connect to anything. Run a DRC2016-07-07 12:21 PM
http://i.stack.imgur.com/ohQej.pngThese two images should be easier to read.I forgot I had labels on some of the nets. Also I removed the 2nd USB since its not needed. I want USB programming but Ill deal with that later.