2022-11-09 1:17 PM
Our custom board is using the stm32u585. The MCU is the master, communicating with a accelerometer through SPI port 3.When reading the data from the accelerometer, using HAL_SPI_Receive_IT or HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA, the SPI 3 interrupt is constantly generated and halts the entire system. When debugging, the variable "trigger" is always 0. And it doesn't look like the HAL_SPI_IRQHandler handle the case when "trigger" is 0. Any idea what would've caused a situation like mentioned ?
void HAL_SPI_IRQHandler(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi)
uint32_t itsource = hspi->Instance->IER;
uint32_t itflag = hspi->Instance->SR;
uint32_t trigger = itsource & itflag;
uint32_t cfg1 = hspi->Instance->CFG1;
uint32_t handled = 0UL;
2022-11-09 7:53 PM
Not familiar with newer generation U5. B4, spi was mostly ok in master 4 wires bidirectional mode, while monodirectional was causing SCK not to be fully under sw control. I short miso and mosi externally for 3 wire spi mems. The newer feature to swap miso mosi on the same pin had the same side effect to no use. Maybe same issue here?
2022-11-10 2:29 AM
Try checking the flags at the ISR itself, i.e. avoiding calling the Cube/HAL functions.
Read out and check/post the SPI registers content.