2020-08-27 2:04 PM
the line in green is an infinite loop for the wwdg, how it comes? the line contains while
2020-08-28 7:44 AM
Need to double check variable is volatile, and the code is not being optimized.
Review why code setting lcd_sync isn't firing, likely an interrupt or callback. Check initialization and clocking.
You'd probably want to refactor this to have a timeout.
2020-08-28 9:10 AM
I checked it; the variable is volatile, the optimization is none(-0). how to refactor this to have a timeout? before that line, the lcd_sync is initialized to 0, so the while will be infinite? but I don't see the purpose of this line
2020-08-28 9:19 AM
It is waiting for a VSYNC interrupt flagging with this variable. If working properly you should get an interrupt every 50 Hz (60, 30 or whatever the refresh rate is)
>>how to refactor this to have a timeout?
Record time at entry, and limit loop iterations by bounding the time from entry to exit.
2020-08-28 9:25 AM
ah, then maybe in CubeMX i have to set the interruption to some peripheral, I mean the LTDC but it's set
2020-08-28 10:27 AM
I think relying on CubeMX to do anything more than superficial framing is probably a mistake.
Is fp_vision_display.c yours?
You'd need something tickling the HAL callback methods
void LTDC_IRQHandler(void)
2020-08-28 10:31 AM
no it's a commun file in the H747I project.
where can I put this method? I check it in the stm32f7xx_it.c and it's there
2020-08-29 11:26 AM
hello @Community member ,
I got this message now: no source available for ".." as shown in the figure. how can I solve it please?
2020-08-29 1:15 PM
Inspect the disassembly/registers at fault
Check what hsdram1() is doing, and what it is passing into ai_platform_network_process()
Find libraries and source for AI stuff if necessary, but likely some memory not properly initialized, or bad pointers handed in
2020-08-30 3:14 AM
I think, because that function doesn't have a definition, it's only in a .h file, but I saw that there's a lib folder which contains :NetworkRuntime512_CM7_GCC.a, I think there's something there to link with it. It's like a .dll, linking at runtime.