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I'm getting sporadic I2C bus errors with no terminating ACK

Associate II

I'm using STM32H743 I2C1 and FW as of december 2021.

I'm testing in continous loop PMBus communication (straight I2C master interface).

Appr. all 8h I'm getting a sporadic bus error.

A good transaction looks like:

0693W00000QKNvTQAX.pngthis is a register read (addr-len=1) for a two-byte response.

my bus error transaction (some bus, devices, etc):

0693W00000QKNwlQAH.pngMy software detects the bus error and stops in sw breakpoint (after returning from ISR).

I see different strange characteristics in this picture:

1) the clock stretch of the PSU is shorter than the good TA.

2) the returned register content of the PSU is 0xffff; this is suspicious on the protocol level, as this is a strange slinear16 value.

3) there is no second master ack after the last byte and no end marker. Both ack=1 and end-marker would be a function of the master STM, or am I mistake?

My only reponse to this incident is to drop the data and reinitialize the stm32-hal-i2c (deinit/init). But I suspect this event to also inpact the stability of my code, as I do get sporadic hard-faults when I run this software without debugger support.

Any explanations/ideas/proposals for improovements?

Thanks a lot,



> 1) the clock stretch of the PSU is shorter than the good TA.

> 2) the returned register content of the PSU is 0xffff, this is suspicious

Why do you think this is problem on the STM32 side, then?


Associate II

Wow, that answer was quick!

Yes I agree that observation 1+2 look like a problem of the device.

Still, a short clock stretch and a high sitting data-line are to my understanding a valid bus state (from device pov), and I'm missing the ACK /end marker of the STM32H743 core. So I'm looking for an explanation, why this is a bus fault from STM master pov.

Thanks a lot,


I don't know. It depends on how exactly the I2C handler is written. You did not say that, but I guess you use Cube/HAL. I don't use 'H7 nor Cube/HAL and am not interested in it; but you can debug it as your own software, it is open source.

You can try to debug it by simulating the issue using a second STM32 as a slave, which would be programmed to return the "faulty" sequence.


Associate II

YES, I'm using stm32h7xx_hal_i2c.c as of december 2021. And no, you can't debug that, because that behaviour is probably part of the ASIC implementation of the STM32H743 i2c core. So I do not see that the stm 32 hal is sending a ack/nack by command.

My question is, if this recorded trace with all stm code can be explained to be i2c standard conform. I see it conflicting to my understanding of I2C signalling.

Thank you.