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I have a problem on debugging Nucleo-f446re

Associate II

Failed to execute MI command:

target remote localhost:61234

Error message from debugger back end:

localhost:?????: No such file or directory.

localhost:?????: No such file or directory.


Perhaps be specific about the version of Windows and that of CubeIDE or whatever you're using.

Any kind of firewall or anti-virus that might block socket connections?

Tools installed whilst running as an Administrator?

Need better contextual understanding of what the situation is.

Looks like the GDB Server is not functioning.

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Associate II

I am using STM cubeide version 1.11.2 on windows 10 when i creat a project it is working without a problem if i closed the ide and open it again the problem occur

Associate II


I am using STM cubeide version 1.11.2 on windows 10 when i creat a project it is working without a problem if i closed the ide and open it again the problem occur

this a photo for the error0693W00000aJbgfQAC.jpg

Fixed in second thread, switch Windows numeric from Arabic to English notation

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