2019-02-21 5:47 AM
I am testing the stemwin using the stm32f429i-disco Board.
When building the project, I get the following error and I can not trace the error.
This error occur when i use GUI_Init() Function
Please help me!!
2019-02-21 5:56 AM
You have too much data, nearly 2MB. Make your graphics smaller, and define them as "const" so they end up only in Flash, not in RAM.
2019-02-21 5:56 AM
I think the text "region RAM overflowing" is pretty self-explanatory, isn't it ?
Too many or too big variables / arrays / structs.
2019-02-21 6:10 AM
You should probably be using SDRAM, so you'd need to get that initialized, and described in the linker script, and then direct your large allocations into that space.