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Hello, ​I am testing the MP45DT02 microphone on 32F4Discovery Board.​The final goal is to measure the sensitivity of the microphone(SPL) when you operate a buzzer with a frequency of 1 kHz.​First I set up the I2S communication as below to activate th...
I am testing the stemwin using the stm32f429i-disco Board.When building the project, I get the following error and I can not trace the error.This error occur when i use GUI_Init() FunctionPlease help me!!
stm32f429i discovery board is undergoing various tests.There are many Layer-related functions in the BSP functionWhat is the difference between using 1 Layer and using Multi Layer when using LCD?Let me know if you have related videos or links.
Hi!!I'm using lcd_log.c to debug on the LCD.LCD_UsrLog ("This is Line% d \ n", i);Is there a way to change the starting position of text output?It always starts at the same location and scrolls down.Please, help me!!