2019-02-21 6:22 AM
My app does not start without the debug probe.
I replaced source code (app with freertos) by a simple blinking led, and it starts without
the debug probe (segger j-trace)...
Any idea?
Moving around a blinking led in the code, it appears that calling HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit to talk to an IO Explander
fails without the debug probe causing an assert causing the program to stop.
2019-02-21 7:46 AM
Make sure BOOT0 is pulled to Ground
2019-02-21 7:59 AM
It is.
2019-02-21 8:30 AM
OK, I replaced source code (app with freeRTOS) with a simple blinking led and in fact, it works. The issue is not on (only?) on the a hardware.