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I cannot display Hello World on port 0. I have the STM32F429I DISC-1 board.

Associate II

The steps that I had done (STM32F429I-DISC1 Board)

1. copy and paste the code into syscalls.c

0693W00000NsOhiQAF.png2. edit the _write function

0693W00000NsOhnQAF.png4. build the project

5. edit the debugger setting

0693W00000NsOiMQAV.png6. start debug

7. enable the SWV ITM Data Console

8. enable the port 0 in SWV

0693W00000NsOiWQAV.png9. the screen before press resume

0693W00000NsOibQAF.png10: Nothing come out... can you please help me?


Ok, just saw reply.

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Can you share the code?, I did soldered the sb9 but I couldn't detect the correct Freq