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I can't receive the required ack bit from N2 node. So CAN message can't be transmit from N1 node.

Associate II

0693W00000QONoQQAX.jpg0693W00000QONpYQAX.pngAs you can see due to i can't receive the required ack from N2 node, N1 node It keeps sending the same message. Then HAL_ADDTX function returns HAL_CAN_ERROR_PARAM because the transmission is not happening and all mailboxes are full. Also i request TERR0 because of Transmission error of mailbox0.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Nobody has any idea what STM32 you're using or how anything is wired.​

Guessing STM32F429-DISC board of some revision. Aren't the CAN pins conflicted?

Diagram the circuit, identify the pins, show the code.

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Associate II
Associate II

And i'm reading this on logic analyzer CH1. Tx message cant transmitted so keep repeating. 0693W00000QOOU2QAP.png

Associate II

I didn't use 120 ohms because my transciever module has it.