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HSI or HSE ?

HSI or HSE ?

carefully read the pictures


The HSI/2 divider is fixed. See PLLSRC description.

PLLXTPRE is a copy of 0th bit of PREDIV (for historical reasons) - it's quite clearly written in description of both fields.


in the picture, HSE is divided once, but the text shows that the second divisor by 2 is hidden somewhere, but it is not in the scheme. but there is an HSI divider that, judging by the bits, can be configured.

No, the register here reflects two copies of the same bit.

The HSI is divided by TWO, always,as it comes from a pulse generator, and doesn't have the prerequisite 50/50 duty.

For the purpose of setting the PLL assume the HSI/2 input is always 4 MHz

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here is a piece of text that I overlooked:

This bit is the same as the LSB of PREDIV in Clock configuration register 2

(RCC_CFGR2) (for compatibility with other STM32 products)