2023-01-21 5:32 AM
Is it possible to configure HRTIM to generate single burst of "n" pulses (triggered by external signal) ?
It is simple to do with advanced timers (TIM1, TIM8). Just enable "one-shot" mode, set repetition counter to "n", set period and compare channel (pulse period and width) and enable trigger (from ETR input).
But if i read datasheet correctly, HRTIM repetition counter works in different way and i can't see simple way how to generate triggered burst of pulses. I am able to generate single pulse triggered y external event, but how to generate burst ? I can't stop HRTIM by software because of tight timing - pulse periods can be shorter then core reaction time.
2023-06-01 1:52 AM
I propose to you the single-shot mode with a Start on Sync (so with activated Master mode), and to configure the sync event on external signal.
This will generate a single pulse (you did it already), and then you can "chopper" this pulse with the number of "n" pulses you want.
It would be possible also to synchronized on TIM1 (with ResetOnSync) and then to choose the retriggerable single-shot mode. TIM1 would be triggered by external event.
Best regards.