2023-05-31 6:21 AM
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Currently I am using on STM32CubeIDE the STM32F415RGTx. I want to implement in my code a series of safety tests in order ensure that everything is working as intended. I found two options regarding this issue:
Regarding the first one, I cannot find any available package in the section "Middleware and software Packs". Is there any solution to that?
Regarding the second one, I downloaded the file from your site, but I am lost in the implementation proccess. Is there any example/ presentation on how to install this library and implement it safely into my existing code?
Thank you in advance,
2023-06-01 1:59 AM
the X-CUBE-STL is library targeting industrial safety standard IEC 61508. The FW is not available for free but upon NDA signed with ST exclusively. Please contact your local supporter for more information.
X-CUBE-CLASSB is library targeting safety of home appliances (UL/IEC 60335/60730) available for free download from ST web. There is dedicated user manual AN4435 describing the library structure and process its implementation. The F4 is supported by the FW version 2.2.0, integration example is part of the download. At principle, this STL is divided into two parts, One is called on a one-time basis directly from assembly startup procedure (startup test flow is collected at STL_StartUp() procedure) and second periodically from main (run time test flow is collected at STL_DoRunTimeChecks() procedure requiring call of STL_InitRunTimeChecks() procedure prior first call of the run time set). Detailed description of these test flows you can find at Appendix A. The main goal is to insert upper 3 calls at user application and upend appli specific module testing into the flow. All the details user can find at AN4435.
As the version 2.2.0 is certified ~6 years ago, you can face problems potentially when compile it with today compilers or HAL drivers. I suggest to read chapter 3.10 of the AN4435 especially.
Note today we certify new version 4.0.0 supporting CM4 products (available at July). Despite F4 is not under certification focus here, the FW structure will be applicable for the F4 family, too. There are available user manuals for G0 or F0 on the web today describing it.
Best regards,