2021-08-07 12:32 AM
Board : STM32F746G
How to use CCMRAM?
What is the use CCMRAM?
What is the Size of CCMRAM?
Manikandan D
2021-08-07 11:39 AM
How to use:
However, the STM32F7 doesn't have CCMRAM.
For boards that have it, CCMRAM provides faster memory access compared to other SRAM.
The STM32F7 has DTCM RAM which can be used in a similar fashion and has effectively the same benefits (faster access) and drawbacks (can't be accessed by DMA) as CCMRAM.
The DTCM RAM is 64kB and is located at 0x20000000. This info is found in the reference manual.
2021-08-13 11:43 PM
Thank you soo much @TDK
2021-09-25 05:22 PM
> drawbacks (can't be accessed by DMA)
It should be noted that the F7 series is an exception to this as all DMAs can access DTCM memory through the AHBS bus. Similarly on H7 MDMA can access DTCM and ITCM memories through the AHBS bus.