2019-09-05 11:38 PM
i receive data(video/audio/text) from wifi/Bluetooth modules ,need to store these data to SD card.i know how to write and read normal data
1) how do i follow to read and write video and image files to SD card?
2)is any separate method to store video data?
2)please share any document to follow sd card programming
2019-09-06 4:49 AM
Is the video or audio encoded in any way?
Is the audio in raw PCM samples? Do you need to create a .WAV file, with a header describing the type, frequency, etc?
Review the forms of data which you are presented with.
Review File Formats used to describe/encapsulate the audio, image and video data being presented.
2019-09-10 6:17 AM
thank you sir,
i can write and read text files to sd card,but first time working on video and audio data
could i get any reference guide to read/write video files with sd card??
i searched in internet and forums but i didn't get any reference
2019-09-10 6:31 AM
The file system and SD card just understand files as collections of bytes, they have no specific understanding of whether they describe text, or images or whatever.
Understand data representation in memory, and in files.
Understand how to manipulate files on a PC, and using standard C file IO functions.
Understand the myriad of file formats, where the internal structures within the file describe the content, or break it into packets.
RIFF file format https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Interchange_File_Format
BMP file format https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format
MPEG encoding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_Picture_Experts_Group
Video files and encoding are very complex subject areas, I don't sense you have enough foundational knowledge to succeed.