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How to program and debug STM32H745 DUAL CORE ?

Associate III


  1. I want to program and debug both the M7 and M4 cores in STM32H745 dual core device . While genrating code for the above micro controller, I am getting an error for having both the Start Up files in code so , How to program and debug both the processors parallely ?
Lead III

With a toolchains that supports this specific MCU. With special devices, you are usually bound to special tools.

Check the usual suspects (Keil, IAR, etc.). I don't know myself, never had a STM32H project.

I would be surprised if free tools like CubeIDE rush to support you here ...

Review the example/template projects provide in the CubeH7 HAL trees. Keil uses a single project with multi-target CM4 and CM7 build forks. Typically you build the CM4 side first and it gets bound with the CM7 side during the link operation.

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Did you already check this document?

CubeIde is compiling now H745 Project. Im just waiting for a debugging manual like this.

Other STM32 didn't have as many problems with the ethernet drive as the H7. So the problem is the H7. The DTCM SRAM is the default system memory choosed by the CubeMX, and DTCM does not work with DMA for the H7. So you need change to AXI-SRAM and deal with cache coherency issues.

It would be nice if DTCM worked with DMA as it does in F7.


AC6 (openstm32) has been doing this for some months now.