2023-05-03 2:23 PM
I am using L476RG ST board, and I recently purchased a GM95 QR scanner that supports standard TTL-232 serial communication. UART2 is configured to work with my PC using PuTTY as an interface, but how do I receive the data from the QR scanner and display it on the same PuTTY interface?
A link to the QR datasheet is below:
2023-05-03 2:56 PM
If RS232 you'll need level converters for the STM32 UARTs
Get the baud rate right and the RX/TX senses.
To forward from one port to the other, perhaps have some ring-buffers filling from one UART RX and output via the other UART TX
2023-05-03 3:03 PM
TTL-232 looks like it should be CMOS level compatible, so wiring directly to STM32
Default 9600 8N1
Might be convenient to convert the hex/binary forms into ASCII for display on a terminal.
2023-05-03 3:12 PM
Thank you for the response, I will use your advice and get to work on it.